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20+ years of Reiki school

Switzerland Zurich & online

Reiki School I Zurich I international Yvette Plimmer

Yvette Plimmer

Reiki School

Traditional Japanese/Tibetan
acc. to Dr Mikao Usui
System of Natural Healing


Established in 2002.
from Sensei Yvette Plimmer
Reiki Master & Teacher,
learned in England & Switzerland.
The School is international
in Zurich & online 10%

in Zurich & online

I offer Reiki courses on-site and online (discounts up to -50%) and train you to become a Reiki Master with a diploma.
At the 1st degree, the inner healing channel is activated by the teacher, thus releasing one’s own energy blockages and cultivating awareness of energies and spirituality.

📚 Choose YOUR Course Day

→ Here, you can see all open and bookable course days!
⭐ Pick the day, course and start time that suits YOU best.
This allows me to tailor the experience to you, your schedule, and your needs 💫
The first booking determines whether the course takes place in-person
at my practice in Zurich or online with a 10% discount – unless otherwise specified.

The next 8 courses are as follows:

Click here to view all dates.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (also known as Prana, Chi, or life force) is used to harmonize the energy flow in the body.

With Reiki, we also work specifically in the invisible energy field (aura) and the energy centers (chakras).

Dr. Mikao Usui created this healing system at the beginning
rediscovered in Japan during the 20th century.
From Japan or Hawaii, Reiki has spread
throughout the world.

over 20 years

For over 20 years, I have been accompanying and supporting people and animals

16 years

I have been a Reiki master for 16 years and a Reiki teacher for 14 years.

over 2’000

During my Reiki time, I have already treated more than 2,000 people/animals.

over 1’000

Since I have been a Reiki teacher, I have already trained over 1,000 students.

1 + 8 =

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